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Vegetable steaks with Gabriella's salad dressing (4 pers.)

100 g oat flakes, 300 g cleaned vegetables (carrots, leek, celery), 2 tablespoons chopped onions, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon chives, 1 tablespoon parsley 150 g low-fat curd, 2 eggs, salt, pepper, a little flour, 2 tablespoons frying butter, 2 tablespoons chervil, 200 ml Gabriella's salad dressing

Cut the vegetables into small pieces, cover with 100 ml of water and cook for 5 minutes until soft, then chop and mix with the raw oat flakes. Sauté the onions in butter, add the herbs (except the chervil), turn well and add to the oatmeal mixture. Add the quark and the whisked eggs and season the mixture with salt and pepper. Form round steaks with floured hands and fry in frying butter until golden brown. Mix Gabriella's salad dressing with the finely chopped chervil and serve with the vegetable steaks.