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Summer salad with Gabriella's salad dressing (4 pers.)

A recipe from Stephanie Thywissen, Witten

1 Roman salad or Lollo Rosso, 4-6 carrots, 1 spring onion or 1 normal onion, 6 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh coriander (more if you like), 6 tablespoons sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and soya bean sprouts, 150 ml Gabriella's salad dressing, fresh pepper

Chop the onions, grate the carrots and mix with the seeds. Add lettuce, chopped coriander, and soybean seedlings. Finally, season Gabriella's salad dressing with pepper to taste and spread over the summer salad. Cherry tomatoes and sliced mushrooms also taste very good with it. Also fried chicken strips that were previously marinated in soy sauce and sherry.