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Lamb salad with zucchini and Gabriella's salad dressing (6 people)

600 g cooked boneless lamb, 300 g courgette, 1 tablespoon olive oil, pepper, salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons parsley, 200 ml Gabriella's salad dressing

Cut the lamb into very thin, small slices. Cut the zucchini into 5 mm thick slices and fry them in olive oil for 6 minutes. They should be browned lightly. At the end of the cooking time add the meat and warm it up. Season with salt and pepper, and in the meantime mix Gabriella's salad dressing with the pressed garlic and parsley. Mix the zucchini and the lamb with 2 tablespoons of the salad dressing and decorate on a large plate. Serve the rest of the sauce separately, together with a crispy farmhouse bread.