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Fish for Ash Wednesday

On : 13. Feb 2024 / In : All

When the carnival season officially ends on Ash Wednesday and the Christian fasting period of 40 days begins, fish often ends up on our plates. Gabriella's salad dressing is a good accompaniment to fish at any time. In the "Recipes" section, we like to publish our own recipes or those of customers who tell us about their experiences with Gabriella's salad dressing and rave about their delicious ideas. Ariane Drefke from Düsseldorf has come up with the salmon skewers. You need 200 g each of salmon and cod fillets, as well as red and yellow peppers, salt, pepper, lemon juice and dill. After the fillets have been cut into pieces, they are sprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned with salt and pepper. The peppers must then also be cut into small pieces. The pieces are then skewered and grilled. Gabriella's salad dressing is served just before the fish skewers are served. A delicious treat that makes it easier to do without meat.

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